Hi, I’m Cate. I like long walks in the night markets, and craft beer tours planned on the fly. My hobbies include talking about travel, writing about travel, and overthinking. I believe packing a suitcase is a life skill, and you should always trust the locals when it comes to matter of crossing the road. I make a mean cheese platter and you definitely want me on your Musical Trivial Pursuit team.
Whilst I haven’t take my life to the road yet, I still love to travel, eat and write. I travel with my husband, working our way through an ever-expanding list of dream destinations. Our trips are pretty full on; we like to squeeze as much in a possible. We love local culture, bright and busy cities, and bustling markets. We also love heading off the tourist trail a little bit – quiet towns, quirky attractions and local restaurants and bars – the less English on the menu the better! We’ve met some wonderful people hanging out in places you may or may not find in the guidebooks.
So far, we’ve climbed ancient temples in Bagan, Myanmar to watch the sunset, got suckered into a tuk tuk scam in Bangkok, eaten amazing Spanish food in Singapore, bar hopped through every craft beer brewery south of the DMZ in Vietnam, gotten lost in Preah Vihear, Cambodia, and waxed lyrical about the world with locals in a reggae bar in the tiny Balinese village of Padang Bai.